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Grilled Pineapple Sangria (Sangría de Piña a la Plancha)

Marc Vidal's Garlicky Shrimp, Sauteed Corn, Pineapple Sangria
Nathan Congleton/TODAY
Cook Time:
10 mins
Prep Time:
30 mins
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Chef notes

Grilling pineapple caramelizes its natural sugars and enhances its sweetness. The charred fruit pairs perfectly with the smoky mezcal in this tropical cocktail.


  • 1 pineapple
  • Oil, for grilling (optional)
  • One 750-milliliter bottle white wine, such as white Rioja or Garnacha Blanca
  • cups pineapple juice
  • 2/3 cup good-quality bourbon whiskey, such as Buffalo Trace
  • 1 fluid ounce mezcal, such as Fidencio classic
  • 1/2 cup Velvet Falernum
  • fluid ounces fresh lemon juice



Peel the pineapple and slice it into 1/2-inch thick rings. Brush a grill with a small amount of cooking oil and preheat to high.


Place the pineapple rings directly on to the grill and cook on both sides until slightly charred with grill marks. Alternatively, use the broiler, first lining a baking sheet with parchment paper or a nonstick silicone mat. Place the pineapple rings on the sheet then place under the broiler for 15 minutes, until they begin to blacken/char on the outside. Remove, and let cool.


Cut each pineapple ring in half and half again to make quarters. At this point the core can be easily cut off of each piece.


Combine the liquid ingredients in a large container. Add the pineapple wedges, cover and refrigerate. Leave to infuse for at least 10 hours, or overnight.


After infusing, remove the fruit and set aside to use as garnish if desired.

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