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Mango BBQ Chicken

Mango BBQ Chicken
Baked chicken drumstickShutterstock

Chef notes

"You can give the BBQ sauce more kick if you wish by adding a more intense chile," says Keith DeShields, Executive Chef at Cambridge Beaches Resort & Spa in Bermuda.


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 Bermuda onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed with a bit of salt
  • ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 3 overripe bananas
  • 3/4 cup stewed tomatoes
  • 1 fire-roasted medium spicy chile
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1/2 cup tomato juice
  • 2 table spoon light soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar or banana-infused vinegar
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup or raw cane sugar
  • 3-4 sprigs fresh coriander
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 2½- to 3-pound chicken, —legs separated into drumsticks and thighs, breasts halved crosswise,
  • Salt and pepper



In a large skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium high heat. Add the onion, garlic, mango and bananas. Saute for a few minutes until the sugars in the mango and banana and onion start to caramelize and turn slightly brown.


Meanwhile, in a blender, puree the stewed tomatoes, chile, tomato paste and tomato juice. 


Add the spicy tomato sauce mixture, soy sauce and vinegar to the skillet. Stir to combine.


Add the corn syrup or cane sugar, turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for a few minutes until the flavors combine.


In a high speed blender, add the BBQ sauce and coriander. Blend until completely smooth.


Preheat the oven to 380° F.


Season the flour with salt and pepper. Dip the chicken parts in the seasoned flour and place in a large baking pan.


Using a large spoon or a small ladle, pour the BBQ sauce over each piece of chicken.


Bake for 35-45 minutes, until the sauce is glossy and baked on. Serve.