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Drinksgiving Punch

Nathan Congleton / TODAY
Prep Time:
5 mins

Chef notes

This is a traditional build technique for a cocktail punch. It dates back to the early 1600s. I love it when we get to drink in history with each sip. This cocktail originated in India in 1638 and means "five" in Hindi, representing the five traditional ingredients (alcohol, water, sugar, juice and spices).

This is a very inclusive beverage because you serve the vodka on the side, so everyone gets to be in control of their alcohol consumption. I love doing a punch like this because you don't get stuck being the bartender all night for your guests. You get to enjoy the party and take credit for a great drink.

Technique tip: Vodka should be put on the side so people can all enjoy the drink whether they want alcohol or not. If you want to include the vodka into the punch, add 12 ounces of vodka. If you're going to put it on the side, the guest would add 1.5 ounces of vodka per drink.

Equipment needed: Fun punch bowl and ladle.


  • 4 cups cranberry juice
  • 4 cups orange juice
  • 2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 4 cans ginger beer
  • cranberries, lime slices and edible flowers, to garnish (optional)
  • vodka


In a bowl or large pitcher with ice, add in the cranberry juice, orange juice, lime juice and ginger beer. Stir with a large spoon.

Garnish with lime slices, cranberries and edible flowers. Serve vodka on the side.