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Hanukkah pops

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  • 48 uncoated basic cake balls (please see separate recipe)
  • 24 ounce white candy coating
  • 2 ounce deep, microwave-safe plastic bowls
  • 48 ounce six-inch white wax candles or paper lollipop sticks
  • 2 ounce large bowls
  • 24 ounce light blue candy coating


Baking Directions:

Candles and color really make these pop.

Add a decorative tag for a distinctive design.

To decorateHave the cake balls chilled and in the refrigerator.

Melt the white candy coating in a microwave-safe plastic bowl, following the instructions on the package.

The coating should be about 3 inches deep for easier dipping.

(I usually work with about 16 ounces of coating at a time.)

When you are ready to dip, remove a few cake balls at a time from the refrigerator, keeping the rest chilled.

One at a time, dip about 1/2 inch of the end of a candle in the melted white candy coating, and insert it straight into a cake ball, pushing it no more than halfway through.

Dip the cake pop into the melted coating, and tap off any excess coating: Hold the pop over the bowl in one hand, and tap your wrist gently with your other hand.

If you use the hand holding the cake pop to shake off excess coating, the force of the movement will be too strong and could cause the cake ball to loosen or fly off the lollipop stick.

Tapping the wrist holding the cake pop absorbs some of the impact.

The excess coating will fall off, but you will need to rotate the lollipop stick so the coating doesn't build up on one side, making it too heavy on that side.

If too much coating starts to build up at the base of the stick, simply use your finger to wipe it off, spinning the lollipop stick at the same time.

This can happen if the coating is too thin or too hot.

It's not as hard as it sounds; it just takes a little practice.

Hold the wax candle close to the cake pop or it will bend when you tap it.

Immediately sprinkle white sugar crystals on the cake pop until it is covered completely.

Sprinkle over a large bowl and you can reuse any sprinkles that fall into it.

Place cake pops, ball side down, on a wax paper-covered baking sheet, and let dry completely.

Repeat with the remaining cake pops using the blue candy coating and blue sugar crystals.

Let dry completely.

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