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Damp Apple and Almond Cake

Serves 12 Servings
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  • 3 apples eating apples, such as braeburns
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoon sugar
  • 8 teaspoon eggs
  • 1 3/4 quart ers cup superfine sugar
  • 3 cup 1/4 ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup flaked almonds
  • 1 teaspoon confectioners’ sugar


Baking Directions:

Peel, core and chop the apples roughly.

Put them in a saucepan with one the lemon juice and sugar, and bring the pan to a boil over a medium heat.

Cover the pan and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes or until you can mash the apple to a rough puree with a wooden spoon or fork.

(You should have about one heaped cup of puree.)

Leave to get cool.

Preheat the oven to 350°F; and oil a 10” springform pan with almond oil or a flavourless vegetable oil and line the bottom with parchment paper.

Put the cooled puree in the processor with the eggs, ground almonds, superfine sugar and a tablespoonful — or generous squeeze — of lemon juice and blitz to a puree.

Pour and scrape, with a rubber spatula for ease, into the prepared pan, sprinkle the flaked almonds on top and bake for about 45 minutes.

It’s worth checking after 35 minutes, as ovens do vary, and you might well find it’s cooked earlier — or indeed you may need to give it a few minutes longer.

Put on a wire rack to cool slightly, then remove the sides of the pan.

This cake is best served slightly warm, though still good cold.

As you bring it to the table, push a teaspoon of confectioners’ sugar through a fine sieve to give a light dusting.

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