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Dylan's Strawberry Overnight Oats


Chef notes

I tried out overnight oats and my kids are obsessed. I make all different flavors the night before and they all devour it the next morning. I love playing around with flavors, but Calvin's favorite is strawberry-vanilla. When I told him about a special Mother's Day edition of Cooking with Cal, I asked him what he'd like to make, and he said strawberry overnight oats. He thought it would be fun if he showed Brian how to make it. It's so easy, Calvin can legitimately make it himself!


  • 2 cups roughly cut strawberries
  • teaspoon vanilla
  • cups plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons honey, plus more if needed
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk, plus more if needed


Mash strawberries with vanilla. Add yogurt, chia seeds and honey; stir to combine. Add oats and almond milk. (It may look too watery, but that's a good thing; the oats will absorb most of the almond milk by morning.)

Refrigerate overnight and it'll be ready in the morning! You can always add extra strawberries on top before serving.