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Kick off football season with plantain pork nachos and Cajun cheeseburgers

JJ Johnson tops his burgers with Flamin' Hot Cheetos — and you should, too.
/ Source: TODAY

Football season is officially back! And according toTODAY's Top Tailgating Bracket, our viewer's top two favorite football foods are nachos and cheeseburgers. So, for our first installment of TODAY Food Loves Football of the season, chef JJ Johnson is sharing his famous nachos and cheeseburger recipes — plus tips on how to make the perfect burger. He shows us how to give pulled pork nachos a creative twist with plantain chips and Cajun-spiced cheeseburgers with caramelized onions and — wait for it Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Plantain Pork Nachos

If I'm making nachos, they're going to be anything but basic. Here, I swap crisp plantain chips for the usual tortilla chips, make a bright and fresh pico de gallo, replace plain sour cream with a cool avocado-yogurt sauce and use three different kinds of cheese. Not to mention the beer-braised pork that tops it all off.

Cajun Cheeseburger

This is not your average cheeseburger, to say the least. Sweet, caramelized onions, sharp melted cheddar, crunchy Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Lawry's ensure that every bite packs a big, flavorful punch.

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