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Wad-Free for Bed Sheets is the ultimate washer and dryer hack

It makes tangled bedsheets a thing of the past.


Who isn't a fan of freshly washed sheets? I can't think of anyone. Just like I can't think of anyone who is a fan of actually washing sheets.

There are too many things that can go wrong in washing-machines. My sheets always wad up, ball up or twist themselves into a rope that doesn't get clean or dry on the inside. But then I heard of a product that could prevent those problems. Here's why I think Wad-Free for Bed Sheets is the ultimate hack for washing and drying sheets.

Wad-Free for Bed Sheets

It's easy to use

At $19, Wad-Free for Bed Sheets might not sound cheap. However, compared to my favorite luxury linen sheets, it's a bargain. It comes with two reusable trays made of durable recycled plastic that is washing-machine- and dryer-friendly. The plastic trays are about the size of a coaster and feature four holes and plastic plugs, one for each corner of a standard or fitted sheet. Basically, all you have to do is have it handy when you strip your bed.

Katie Jackson / TODAY

This is one of those rare products that actually works — and works well. The laundry gadget was first discovered on an episode of "Shark Tank" and is well on its way to becoming a household staple. With a 4.9 out of 5-star rating on Walmart, shoppers clearly love the detangling tool. One reviewer on The Grommet loved it so much, they said they purchased more to give as Christmas gifts this year.

It works extremely well

Katie Jackson / TODAY

All you have to do is put the top right-hand corner of your sheet in the top right-hand hole. Then, slide the hole's plastic plug to hold it in place. Next, put the top left-hand corner of your sheet in the top left-hand hole, and so on until all of the corners are in place. How to use it is so self-explanatory, it doesn't need to come with instructions, but it does.

By keeping the corners separate and washing the sheet "bat style" (I think it looks like a folded-up bat), all of my sheet-washing woes are solved. While the occasional sock might end up in the middle — which makes me rate it a 4.7 instead of the perfect 5 — it's rare, and I no longer have to rewash and redry sheets that used to constantly wad up.

It saves me time, every time

Katie Jackson / TODAY

Wad-Free for Bed Sheets claims laundry loads come out cleaner (which I have experienced firsthand), drier (which I have also experienced firsthand) and less wrinkly (which I have also noticed since I don't have wrinkle-resistant sheets).

I can't say for sure that it's cut my drying time by 75% like it claims it can, but I don't doubt it based on how quickly my sheets come out now compared to before. I no longer check the dryer after the cycle and find wet sheets that need to be dried again, or worse, dirty and wet sheets that need to be washed and dried again.

See the product in action:

If you need holiday gift ideas for someone who loves a good hack, this laundry gadget will make the perfect stocking stuffer. For more laundry hacks, we found a few highly rated options you can shop now.

Tidy Cup Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener Gadget

Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster Beads

Smart Design Sneaker Dryer & Washer Bag