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Pork Ragù Over Creamy Almond-Cauliflower Polenta

Aubrie Pick
Cook Time:
45 mins
Prep Time:
15 mins

Chef notes

My Italian grandmother served creamy polenta with tender meats in tomato sauces a lot while I was growing up. It's so comforting and great to serve a big crowd. After changing my diet due to an autoimmune disease and not being able to eat corn or dairy, I took her recipe and made it my own. Nostalgic and comforting, but healthier and better for my body.

Technique tip: I'm usually in favor of browning meat before adding it to a pressure cooker or slow cooker, but I skip that step in this recipe so everything will come together more quickly. Cut the roast into even pieces so they cook evenly in the pressure cooker. To make the polenta in advance, prep it up to 7 days in advance and store in the fridge. Reheat in a covered saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of water or milk to thin if needed as it heats.

Swap options: A chuck roast works great in place of the pork if you'd prefer beef. If you don't feel like cooking up a batch of polenta, long, wide slices of yellow squash or zucchini that mimic pappardelle are also wonderful with this easy take on a classic ragù. I like to sauté them in a little ghee over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes until tender. If dairy is tolerated, Parmesan or sheep's milk pecorino romano may be used.

Equipment needed: Electric pressure cooker or slow cooker.

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