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Jerry O'Connell tried to teach his kids about Prince but failed miserably

This is what it sounds like when your kids don't want to listen to Prince.
/ Source: TODAY

Jerry O'Connell's daughters definitely don't want to know what it sounds like when doves cry.

The actor tried his best to educate his 10-year-old twins about the music of Prince and failed in hilarious fashion while blasting the late music legend's 1984 hit "When Doves Cry" in a classic dad moment.

O'Connell, 45, posted a funny video of daughters Dolly and Charlie begging for mercy as he loudly plays the song in the car and sings along. He captioned the video "Teach Your Children."

"Turn it dooooooown," one daughter pleads while the other holds her head in her hands.

"This is real music!" O'Connell shouts while singing along.

O'Connell may also need his own refresher on the song's lyrics because he appears to point to his head and sing, "Maybe I'm just like my father, too bald."

(It's too bold, as any Prince fan knows. And how can you be too bald? And why would Prince be singing about his father's bald head? So many questions.)

One of his daughters also tries to remind O'Connell that the embarrassment of the whole situation could be made even worse if the older kids were to see what's going on in their car.

"Dad, we're next to the high school!" she says.

Embarrassing dad singing is a genre unto itself, and O'Connell has now joined the proud lineage of fathers mortifying their daughters with song.

If he keeps it up, he might find himself alone in a world so cold.