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What's the paleo vegan diet and is it right for you?

It's heavy on the plants.
Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Mark Hyman, the director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, joins Megyn Kelly TODAY to kick off our \"Shape Your Summer\" series and discuss the pegan diet.TODAY
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Ever heard of the pegan diet?

We asked Dr. Mark Hyman, a practicing family physician, the medical director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine and the author of "Food: The No-Nonsense Guide to What You Should—And Shouldn't—Eat for Ideal Weight and Optimum Health," to help explain the theory behind it. And to share three of this favorite recipes.

The pegan basics:

The diet combines the principles of the paleo and vegan diets. And it's fairly simple to follow. But, as Hyman explained online, "Keep in mind that most of us need to personalize the approach depending on our health conditions, preferences and needs."

Three of his favorite recipes:

This delicious low-carb meal is loaded with all sorts of amazing flavors, crunchy textures, and plenty of healthy fats to keep you energized and happy.

Flavorful and packed with iron, a mineral we don’t often get enough of, these patties are the perfect way to start your morning. They couldn’t be easier to make, and they’re great any time of day, especially since the crumbled up leftovers make a great taco or frittata filling!

The parsley-walnut butter in this dish elevates the already delicious salmon to a whole new level, and adds even more essential fatty acids to your meal. Don’t be afraid of all the healthy fats here—your brain and your body need them! The butter also goes extremely well with crackers, vegetables, eggs, chicken, and other kinds of fish.

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