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Grilled Cheese Panini

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  • 2 ounce thinly sliced prosciutto
    Rosemary Oil
    • 2 ounce thinly sliced prosciutto
    • 2 bunch es rosemary
    • 1 quart extra-virgin olive oil


    Baking Directions:

    Brush bread with rosemary olive oil (see instructions below) and season with salt and pepper.

    Assemble prosciutto and Parmigiana Reggiano cheese, traditionally.

    Grill on each side until edges are brown and cheese is melted.

    Serve with a salad of frisee, cherry tomatoes, shaved parmesan and calamata olives.

    Rosemary Oil:Heat olive oil to 170 degrees and add rosemary.

      Let infuse.

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