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Don’t be fooled — these slippers may look silly, but they are a cleaning game-changer

I can clean up hair, dust and debris with every step.
Courtesy Danielle Murphy

If you've finally unglued your eyes from the photo above and come to learn about what the heck kind of shoes you're viewing, don't worry, I'm here to answer all of the questions likely racing through your mind. What are they? What do they do? Why do they look like that? I'll get to all that in a moment. But fair warning, dear reader: There's a good chance you'll end up adding these silly looking slippers to your Amazon cart by the time you reach the bottom of this page. After all, you're about to learn why they might just be a homeowner's (or apartment leaser's!) new best friend.

Tamicy Mop Slippers Shoes (5 Pairs)

Yes, you read that correctly. Mop. Slippers. If you didn't think fashion and cleaning could exist in one item, this functional footwear will have you thinking again. They're made with a microfiber chenille fabric that is safe to use on wood, tile, cement and linoleum floors, according to the brand. I tried them out on a few floors in a few homes to see just how effective they really are.

They feel soft and snug

First, you probably want to know if they're actually comfortable, which is a huge factor, since you'll need to wear them to get the best results. (Though, they're also designed to attach to the bottom of mops!) Well, I can't lie, these are shockingly comfortable. You have the option to wear them barefoot, with socks or on top of shoes; I prefer to wear them with socks because they actually feel like slippers. My guess is that the microfiber padding at the bottom adds a little cushion, so you can clean in comfort.

I had my parents try a pair over their sneakers (the pack comes with five, so there were plenty to go around), and they didn't slide off while they walked around. My father initially felt like they were too slippery, but after a few laps, he felt more confident. (Although I didn't experience this, some Amazon reviewers complained that the slippers didn't fit over larger sneakers, so be wary of user size before ordering.)

Courtesy Danielle Murphy

Cleaning is now easier than ever

Now, onto the actual cleaning. You need to know that these microfiber shoes aren’t going to replace your vacuum or mop. What these accomplish comes after the heavy-duty cleaning, to keep your space as spick and span for longer and to tidy up without actually putting in any work. (Honestly, who ever heard of effortless chores??)

My parents get their home professionally cleaned once a month, and when I'm there, the LAST thing I want to do is mess up their pristine floors by tracking in dirt. Even when I'm not wearing shoes, it's so easy to transfer hair and dust from room to room, even with just socks on. So, I put on a pair of these mop slippers and, voila!, problem solved.

In fact, I can see these solving an entire list of common issues. Have back or neck pain that prevent you from bending down to clean spills? Mop slippers. Washing dishes and suddenly see soapy water all over the floor? Mop slippers! And yes, they can absorb water! I swiped one slipper across my hardwood floor to pick up a small spill, and although it spread out the liquid a little more than a paper towel would, it got the job done.

I quickly gave away my other pairs to family members because I already know they'll come in handy. Both my sisters are new moms, and I can't tell you how many times I've had to help them wipe up unexpected spit-ups. Now they can clean and continue to bottle feed without missing a beat. My brother-in-law is in the middle of a major house renovation, so I gave him a pair to help with the dust and debris while he works. The above picture was the result of just one walking pass through a room that was recently swept, and it still caught so much grime.

I can honestly see these being a game-changer for my mother as she prepares to host holiday get-togethers this season, too. This way, she can move around freshly cleaned floors without dirtying them up again before guests arrive. And the best part? They're machine washable, so you can use them over and over and over again.

OK, you can place your order now. I did warn you ... but for $12, I'd argue that I did you and your home a favor.