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'This Is Us' fans will love Mandy Moore's cheeky response to the aging challenge

Social media users have been posting photos of themselves from 10 years ago side-by-side with current-day pictures, but Mandy Moore put a fresh spin on things.
/ Source: TODAY

Anyone who uses social media has probably seen the "aging challenge" — where you post a photo of yourself from 10 years ago side-by-side with a picture of yourself today.

Well, "This Is Us" star Mandy Moore sure has, and she gave us all a giggle Wednesday when she posted a "then" of herself and a "10 years later" photo of her character, Rebecca Pearson.

"These last 10 years have REALLY aged me," she quipped in the caption.

Which is hilarious, because while that is Moore on the right, it's actually Moore in full aging makeup from "This Is Us," on which she plays Rebecca in the past, and in the future (or present, depending on how you want to see the show).

Here's another fun photo of "old" Rebecca, posing with grown son Randall (Sterling K. Brown) and his family, from her Instagram:

Moore has to spendmore than three hoursto get her "old" makeup on to play an aged Rebecca, and has said that the chemicals are not good for her skin. We appreciate her sacrifices, though!

Mandy Moore as aged Rebecca.
Mandy Moore as aged Rebecca.NBC

And, of course, if you want to see a much younger shot of Moore — a Glamour Shot, no less — well, she helpfully provided that earlier this month:

And then there's this one from over the weekend!

Oh, Mandy, we love you in all your seasons!