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Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager define what 'we'll see' actually means in mom world

"Let’s just translate for the kids watching with their parents.”

You may think that kids have the market cornered on secret languages, but as Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager reveal on TODAY, moms have a secret language all their own.

Hoda reads Kim Kardashian's recent Instagram post: "No one lies more than a mom who says 'we'll see' because we ain't seeing nothin."

When moms say, "We'll see," they're actually hoping their kids will forget whatever they asked for, according to Hoda.

"'We'll see' is an absolute no," Jenna chimes in. "Let’s just translate for the kids watching with their parents."

"'We'll see' [means] you're not getting the toy. Not ice cream. It's not happening later," Hoda says.

"Never," Jenna adds. "'Can we have a cookie?' 'We'll see, Hal.'" She leaves several seconds of silence hanging in the air after she speaks to indicate exactly what "we'll see" means.

Jenna specifically references Hal, her 4-year-old son, because he knows exactly how to play his mom.

"You know how [Hal] gaslights me all the time?" Jenna asks. "My favorite book is about a mother loving their son. And last night he said, 'Daddy's gonna read this one.'"

Jenna pauses for laughs before continuing reciting Hal's words, "'No, this is my special book with ... Daddy.'"

"That's hilarious!" Hoda laughs.

"But here's the deal," Jenna says. "Guess what? 'We'll see' is my way to get back at you, little buddy." She looks directly into the camera as if she's looking into Hal's little eyes.

Changing tone, Jenna adds, "And I will say if you get a 'maybe,' things are looking up."

"A 'maybe' is probably a 'yes,'" Hoda says.

"A 'maybe' is a half and half," Jenna concedes. "A 'maybe' is really just a 'maybe.'"

"Yeah, a 'maybe' is a 'maybe.' But you might win," says Hoda.