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Little girl's reaction to daddy picking her up from school will warm your heart

When Dad comes to the school to bring his daughter home, nobody is more excited than she is!
/ Source: TODAY

Daddy may have known this was going to happen; he did come prepared with a camera, after all.

But that doesn't change just how gosh-darned excited this little poppet is when she realizes that, after her first day away from mom and dad, they've come back to bring her home!

In the video, which has already earned nearly 1.5 million views since it was posted on Sept. 8, the little girl is all alone in the playroom, clearly the very last to be picked up. (We've all been there, kid.) She's looking for ways to amuse herself as Daddy approaches, camera in hand.

Then Daddy says, "Hi, baby girl!" and she turns and everything else is forgotten. When was the last time you were this excited about anything?

Watch and cheer up your day!

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