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Cut back on carbs — and still feel satisfied

Finding creative ways to replace bread, potatoes and rice can help reduce calories while still leaving you satisfied.
/ Source: TODAY

While you don’t have to completely nix carbohydrates at every meal to lose weight, finding creative ways to replace bread, potatoes, and rice here and there can help reduce calories without skimping on volume. That means you’ll still be satisfied without feeling stuffed.

Get creative in your kitchen and find new low-carb ways to prepare old favorites.

Some examples:

Put a crunchy twist on wraps by using crispy lettuce leaves instead of wheat or corn tortillas.

Put your sandwich fixings between two cooked portabella mushroom caps instead of bread.

How about chopped cauliflower instead of rice? Or julienned zucchini instead of wheat noodles?

Need recipes? Try a Simple Paella with Cauliflower Rice. It's a new take on the Spanish classic that's bursting with shrimp and poultry sausage. Best of all, you can enjoy a hearty two-cup serving for less than 200 calories.

Or try my Zucchini Linguine with Pesto Sauce. Slice the zucchini into strips to replace spaghetti. Cut even more calories with the "skinny" pesto sauce, which uses vegetable broth instead of oil.

Try the recipe:

Simple Paella with Cauliflower Rice

Zucchini Linguine with Pesto Sauce

For more of the "16 to '16 Challenge" go here