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Breakfast with the Bacon Brothers, served with bacon puns and bulletproof coffee

We caught up with Kevin and Michael Bacon and they shared some truly inspiring breakfast orders, talked bacon puns and bulletproof coffee.
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/ Source: TODAY

Actor Kevin Bacon and his brother Michael, of the aptly named musical duo The Bacon Brothers, are touring around the country and stopped by TODAY to talk about their music. We caught up with them for #BreakfastTODAY, and they shared some truly inspiring breakfast orders, talked bacon puns and shared Kevin's obsession with bulletproof coffee.

The Bacon Brothers, Kevin and Michael, share their #BreakfastTODAY
The Bacon Brothers, Kevin and Michael, share their #BreakfastTODAY.Vidya Rao / TODAY

Breakfast order:

Kevin: Two poached eggs on oatmeal with Tabasco sauce

Michael: The Elvis sandwich: bacon, peanut butter and bananas

Is this a typical breakfast order for you?

Kevin: I love the eggs on oatmeal thing. It’s a spin on eggs on grits. But I don’t make it all that often, because it’s too hard, so I like to order it. I don’t do quick cooking oats. I like steel cut oats and a couple of well-poached eggs, which is a tough thing to do.

Michael: You know we’re named Bacon, and I couldn’t really eat a breakfast without bacon. So I was thinking about bacon and music and then Elvis Presley’s favorite popped up. I don’t actually think I’ve ever had one of these. I’m not so much into breakfast.

What's the worst “bacon” pun you’ve gotten?

Michael: The most common is something like “the Bacon Brothers sizzle.”

Kevin: It’s annoying cause it’s a pun, but it’s better than saying we suck. “Sizzling” is better than saying “they seem like completely uncooked bacon.”

Who’s your ideal breakfast buddy:

Michael: My wife.

Kevin: My wife, we have breakfast pretty much every day. It’s a nice routine. She always says regardless of the night I’ve had before, I wake up singing. And she’s right, I’m a very positive morning person and she’s not, so I have to walk on eggshells around her for the first 15-20 minutes. We cook together and we have a whole coffee routine.

How do you like your coffee?

Kevin: I drink bulletproof coffee. My cholesterol has gone up from the butter. I think bulletproof coffee is great, it’s delicious — that’s really why I do it. The impact that you see is huge the first couple weeks, then it just evens out. Then if you stop every once in a while and then start the bulletproof again, you feel it. It gives you more energy, and I know this is hard to believe, but it gives you mental energy as well, not just shaky body energy. You’re focused. Sure, I could do without the butter, but I really like to have the fat, the healthy fat from the coconut oil.

Michael: I don’t know what he’s talking about with all the bulletproof nonsense. I drink my coffee black!