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Tangy Tahini Tenders

Nathan Congleton / TODAY
Cook Time:
25 mins
Prep Time:
35 mins
8-10 tenders

Chef notes

I think I am in my sesame era right now. I used to only really think about sesame seeds as a garnish or a bagel topping back in the day, and if I wanted to add sesame flavor, I used to only use sesame oil. But now I’m really embracing the versatility of this amazing ingredient, and I think it adds a really cool mouthfeel and contrast to the spice and sweetness of this dish. I also love using that technique of dipping the battered chicken in water to make it crispy. From the outer glaze to the very center of the chicken, these tenders are loaded with flavor.

Technique tips: Make sure your oil is at the right temperature (355 F) otherwise you run the risk of not cooking the chicken all the way through, burning the oil or only cooking the batter. To achieve the ultimate crispness and avoid making a mess of your stove, dip the coated chicken in water, wait for it to stop dripping, then add it to the oil.

Swap option: I love making this recipe with lime marmalade, but you can also do it with lemon preserves or apricot jam.

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