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Eggless Veggie Frittata Muffins

Alanna Hale
Cook Time:
30 mins
Prep Time:
15 mins
12 muffins
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Chef notes

For those days when it's nothing but go, go, go, I'm always grateful to have a breakfast option that can be enjoyed while in motion. These muffins are made with protein-rich chickpea flour and can be customized to whatever veg and fresh herbs you like or have on hand. Plus, they can be enjoyed hot, cold, plain or slathered in dips. This recipe can also be made into a single quiche, which is great for serving company or bringing with you to a picnic — it's a great bring-a-dish dish. No matter how fast-paced your morning is, I do suggest taking just a moment to pause and say a prayer of gratitude before diving in.

Swap option: Feel free to swap out the bell pepper and herbs for any other vegetables or herbs you have in the fridge.


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