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Mario Lopez flashes back to his disco days with hilarious retro photo

He's got disco fever, and there's just no cure!
/ Source: TODAY

Here's how we know Mario Lopez: As the hunky A.C. Slater in "Saved By the Bell" and, more recently, as the long-running host of "Extra."

We're less familiar with his younger, aspiring disco dancer days. Fortunately, Lopez has remedied that with a fun throwback picture on Instagram that has us asking so many questions:

Based on the caption, his mother is responsible for this picture. Yet he posted it! So no headlocks for her, thanks very much.

But we have to ask: What song is he dancing to? Why is he going one way and his fellow dancers another? Who decided on Mary Jane-style white dancing flats? And most importantly, blue jumpsuits with sequins and white fringe is ... well, let's just say it's an interesting fashion statement.

Image: 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals
Former disco dancer Mario Lopez on Jan. 7 in Beverly Hills, California at the Golden Globes.Getty Images

Lopez, 44, has been a performer since his early years; his first professional credit came when he was just 10. That's probably not much older than he is in this picture.

And we're not throwing stones: Anyone whose mom urged them into dance class as a child probably has an outfit like this.

Also, we just think Lopez is as cute as the dickens, and that's what matters.

Thanks for sharing, Mario! Got any more?

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