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Viral YouTube star of Guava Juice reveals what it's like to have his dogs on set

In the seventh episode of "My Pet Tale," Roi Fabito, who stars in the popular YouTube channel Guava Juice, says his dogs are naturals in his videos.

Roi Fabito is all over YouTube on his channel Guava Juice. Sometimes, he’s hanging out in a Jell-O bath or experimenting with Diet Coke and Mentos. And other times, he even features his very own dogs!

In the seventh episode of “My Pet Tale,” Fabito said he loves having his pups on set. One of his dogs, named Ooogie, is a natural.

"He loves the camera," he said. "He loves attention. He loves people."

And Fabito said having them in his life makes everything better.

"If I'm having a really difficult day, just petting them alone just relieves everything."

You can watch Roi Fabito (aka Guava Juice) doing anything and everything on his YouTube channel!

There's a new episode of "My Pet Tale" every Thursday on TODAY's YouTube channel. For more great episodes, be sure to subscribe here.