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Welcome to TODAY Parents: A place for #ModernDads (and moms!)

Breaking news: Dads matter.Yeah, yeah, I know that's not actually news to anyone. But things like official titles are sometimes hard to change (oy, the paperwork!) which is why I'm so happy to announce that TODAY Moms is officially changing our name to TODAY Parents. According to our new survey, 75 percent of fathers say their most important job is being a dad. We think it's pretty important, too!

Breaking news: Dads matter.

Yeah, yeah, I know that's not actually news to anyone. But things like official titles are sometimes hard to change (oy, the paperwork!) which is why I'm so happy to announce that TODAY Moms is officially changing our name to TODAY Parents. According to our new survey, 75 percent of fathers say their most important job is being a dad. We think it's pretty important, too!

Dads welcome! The author's husband, Jonathan Dube, with their two children, Joseph and Elijah.
Dads welcome! The author's husband, Jonathan Dube, with their two children, Joseph and Elijah.Today

If you're a loyal community member, I hope you'll see that the name change reflects what we've always done: Telling you the best stories about parenting, sharing the joys and frustrations of raising little people. If you're new here, welcome! I hope you'll find something useful and delightful. If you like it, please share us with your friends!

TODAY is celebrating fathers this week with our Modern Dads series, which explores everything that fathers these days do. We're introducing our new line-up of dad contributors, who will be telling us about their favorite "dad hacks." We'll be sharing stories about dads all week long, and we want to hear from you, too: Look for opportunities to send us your stories and photos on Facebook and Twitter.

Dads today time contractions and change diapers. They kiss boo-boos and check closets for monsters. They help with homework, they hold hands, they hug. They drive carpool and look for the lost soccer cleat. 

They hold their breath when their 5-year-old walks into kindergarten alone for the very first time. They blink back the tears as they're driving up to the freshman dorm. They fall asleep reading stories and wake up in the middle of the night worrying about schools and friends and grades and health. They feel the same overwhelming love and joy and fear and frustration that moms do. 

They are parents. We all are. And I hope everyone feels welcome here.

To our new readers, and our loyal ones, I'll say what I say to my husband about having kids: No, not "I thought YOU were picking them up today!" The other thing: I'm so glad to be taking this journey with you.

Welcome to TODAY Parents. Join the conversation.