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Dylan Dreyer's baby Calvin isn't afraid to lick his plate (or throw it)

He's got a healthy appetite.
/ Source: TODAY

Many parents can attest to the challenges of raising a picky eater. Lucky for TODAY meteorologist Dylan Dreyer, she and husband Brian Fichera might be facing the opposite problem. In an Instagram video posted on Friday, Dylan's 15-month-old son, Calvin, showed off his healthy appetite.

His very healthy appetite.

After apparently polishing off a second plate of salmon, Calvin goes in for a shameless plate lick.

"When dinner is so good you need seconds and then lick your plate!!" Dylan wrote in a caption.

And in a second post, for the grand finale ...

... he ditches his plate altogether. (Dylan, where can we buy these unbreakable dishes?!)

The best part might be how pleased with himself he looks. Sure, Calvin's table manners might have some growing up to do, but who could be mad at those chubby cheeks?

By now, we all know how much little Calvin likes to munch. So far, we've seen him take a bite of his first apple (he loved it), react to the texture of oatmeal (he hated it) and sip on seltzer water (he wasn't sure about it). And that's just in his first year!

Calvin is growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday he was moving into his perfect nursery. Before we know it, he'll know how to use a salad fork. (Or any fork, really.)

But for now, we'll happily keep watching this cutie scarf down whatever he can get his little hands on.