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Coming up on TODAY: Celebrate Modern Dads

What makes a modern dad?Whether it's supporting your family financially, kissing boo-boos, cooking dinner, changing diapers or giving hugs, dads these days are "doing it all" more than ever before. TODAY will be celebrating dads all next week with Modern Dads week, leading up to Father's Day on June 15.We'll explore the results of our exclusive NBC survey of 2,000 parents, which reveals how hands-
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What makes a modern dad?

Whether it's supporting your family financially, kissing boo-boos, cooking dinner, changing diapers or giving hugs, dads these days are "doing it all" more than ever before. TODAY will be celebrating dads all next week with Modern Dads week, leading up to Father's Day on June 15.

We'll explore the results of our exclusive NBC survey of 2,000 parents, which reveals how hands-on dads are today, and how they differ from previous generations. will introduce a new network of dad bloggers who will share their best parenting hacks with us every day next week. And we want readers to join the conversation about #ModernDads; we'll be asking for your stories and photos all week.

And TODAY Moms has some exciting news... we will be changing our name to be more inclusive of the hard work ALL parents do. Check out our Facebook page to get a sneak peak at the change, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you hear about every TODAY story that matters to moms AND dads!