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The 1 thing you need to prevent rust rings around the tub

Instead of scrubbing with heavy duty cleaning supplies, you can prevent metal cans from rusting in the first place.
/ Source: TODAY

The soothing tranquility of a clean bathroom can't be replicated. From the neatly folded towels to a fresh-scented candle, there are tons of small ways to turn your bathroom into a tiny slice of paradise.

But let's get real — most of your time spent in the bathroom is all about function. The ledges of the tub are most likely filled with all the usual suspects: soap, shampoo and shaving cream. That's all fine until some of those products come in an aluminum can. Water from the shower hitting the metal edge can cause the can to rust and leave ugly red rings around the tub that can be tough to remove.

Instead of scrubbing with heavy-duty cleaning supplies, you can actually prevent metal cans from rusting in the first place. Check our our video here and follow the steps below to complete the hack yourself.

1. Take a clear nail polish and coat the bottom of aluminum cans with a thin layer.

2. Set aside to dry.


It's truly that easy. Next time you bring home a fresh can of shaving cream or any other metal can that will live in the shower (or even in your medicine cabinet), add this extra step and you might never have to scrub a rust stain again!