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Let this young baseball fan's rookie hot dog mistake be a lesson to you

A four-year-old baseball fan went viral after letting his frankfurter slip and slide to the ground.
A young fan dropped his hot dog  at a Chicago White Sox game on August 14, 2022.
A young fan dropped his hot dog at a Chicago White Sox game on Aug. 14, 2022. @TheWienerCircle / via Twitter

A wurst case scenario was spun to gold after a small fan made a classic rookie mistake at a Chicago White Sox game.

During an Aug. 14 game between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers, a camera captured the moment a young attendee mishandled a hot dog, letting it slip to the ground.

The boy has since been identified as four-year-old Matthew Hoobler by Block Club Chicago.

The Chicago White Sox won 5-3 against the Detroit Tigers, completing a three-game sweep. But it was the moment that Hoobler allowed his hot dog to slide Ty Cobb-style from bun to deck that went viral.

The video shows the boy realizing his hot dog had said "bun voyage!" and reacting by smacking his forehead in regret. Fortunately, the moment became more than just a teachable one for Hoobler, who failed to follow guidelines to gently cup and handle a dog from the midsection of the bun.

The Wieners Circle, a Chicago-based hot dog stand, caught sight of the viral moment and offered Hoobler an all-you-can-eat hot dog experience.

“We’ve crowdsourced pops via @Twitter and will be providing all you can eat hot dogs for his 🌭-less boy and his best buds. Pops is clearly an @tigers fan, maybe we should make him dress up in a 1919 black Sox uni?” the hot dog stand tweeted.

A week later, on Aug. 21, Hoobler was set on a path of healing when The Wieners Circle hosted him and his family for a hot dog party and tutorial on proper hot-dog holding form.

“We will be hosting the young lad and his family today, and working on his hot dog holding form,” The Wieners Circle shared on Sunday. “Da kid is apparently an expert on the digestive system, so look for him to drop some scientific knowledge for our fans later.”

The Wieners Circle also hosted a Q&A with Hoobler and asked pertinent questions like how he felt when he dropped the hot dog. To this question, Hoobler aptly replayed his V8-style slap from the White Sox game where it all happened.