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Would you put red lipstick on your eyes? TODAY tries the latest viral beauty craze

It sounds like the set-up for a prank, but beauty experts swear by the trick of putting red lipstick on your eyes to cover dark circles.
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/ Source: TODAY

It sounds like the set-up for a prank, but beauty expert Deepica Mutyala swears by the trick of putting red lipstick on your eyes to cover dark circles. Her YouTube tutorial has ignited a viral beauty sensation just weeks after she posted it in early January. Within a month, it's been watched nearly 4 million times.

So, how does it work?

Dark circles are usually blue or green in tone. If you look at a primary color wheel, the exact opposite of those colors are oranges and reds. Applying a bright red color underneath your eyes actually neutralizes the color you're hoping to cover. (Hint: You can apply the same technique to red or splotchy areas by using a green-ish color.)

But can this really work for my skin tone?

The best part is, this idea works for any and all skin colors! The only aspect it effects is what lipstick shade you may choose If you have fair skin, try a peach hue. If you're tan or dark like Mutyala, an orange-y red will work best. The finish on the lipstick is up to you, but if you have especially dry skin you may want to use a moisturized lipstick.

Would you put red lipstick on your eyes?
Would you put red lipstick on your eyes?Deepica Mutyala / YouTube

How can I test it out?

Rule number one is to start in a small section and see if it makes a difference. Once you've chosen the correct shade and finish for your skin type, dab the lipstick around your eyes or on any discolored areas using an eye-shadow brush. Warning: This is where you look a little crazy!

Let it set for a minute, then gently apply concealer over the red areas with a makeup sponge. And there you have it, no more see-through concealer!

Last, but not least: Would you dare try it for yourself?

Mutyala admits that this is an advanced technique and one she learned from professional makeup artists, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment.