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Life after losing 170 pounds

Mandy Muniz is documenting her weight loss journey with Joy's Fit Club on TODAY.  After years of living an unhealthy lifestyle, she went from a size 24 to a size 2 in just over a year.  Her life changed immensley...I know I will stay faithful to this healthy lifestyle because I feel so much better.  My confidence is up, my willingness to try outdoor activities has increased and I am so excited

Mandy Muniz is documenting her weight loss journey with Joy's Fit Club on TODAY.  After years of living an unhealthy lifestyle, she went from a size 24 to a size 2 in just over a year.  Her life changed immensley...

I know I will stay faithful to this healthy lifestyle because I feel so much better.  My confidence is up, my willingness to try outdoor activities has increased and I am so excited about the changes in my health.  My blood pressure, cholesterol and risk factors are all reduced, and I am in the healthy category for patients.  I am eager to make my yearly exam because I know the report will be excellent.

So many changes have come from the weight loss.  I was recently asked to speak at a Theatre conference at the University of Texas and many instructors commented on the change in my appearance and vitality.  People who had never heard me speak before were impressed by my lessons and the physical activities I was able to demonstrate.  I have received several calls from people wanting to hire me to come and teach workshops for their students.  I have also re-entered the professional acting world.  With my new look, I am playing younger roles and I have more opportunity to be cast. 

My students are thrilled with the change in their teacher.  They constantly call me an “inspiration” and enjoy having me up and participating in the class activities.  I encourage them to move and stay healthy through eating right and exercising.  My co-workers have been inspired and several of them have joined the program.  They stop me in the hall to ask about cooking or exercise tips and we all carry our large bottles of water to stay hydrated through the day. 

My idea of fun with my friends and family has also changed dramatically.  I can shop with my mother who has always been thin, and I am not embarrassed to ask friends to go shopping with me because I know we can go to the same stores and I will be proud to step out of the dressing room and show off the outfits. This summer my husband and I visited friends in New Mexico and where before the weight loss, my focus for the trip would have been eating and sleeping, this time I was ready to experience the adventure of the trip.  We hiked two petroglyph sites, played in the sand dunes of White Sands and toured Carlsbad Caverns.  I remember thinking during the whole trip, “the old me couldn’t have done these things- look what I was missing out on!” 

I was so inspired by the trip and all the new things I had experienced that I looked into passes to all the national and state parks here in Texas.  Since we have been back, my husband and I have hiked Government Canyon and Enchanted Rock here in Texas.  It is great for us to be able to connect and enjoy outdoor activities and wildlife together.  I am so grateful for this weight loss, and I look at it as a second chance at life. 

I feel like nothing stands in my way.  There are no excuses.  I am free to live my life, enjoy the world and all the activities it has to offer and I have peace of mind knowing that I am healthy and am relaxed in knowing I have brought balance to my life.  The plan was always simple to follow and made sense.  I feel healthy and educated about the food and lifestyle choices I have and I feel confident in knowing that I have created a solid foundation that will keep my weight under control and my body in shape.  With a healthy body, I am more motivated than ever to pursue my goals and make the most of my life.

Want to know how Mandy maintains her weight?  Check back tomorrow for her secrets.