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Should office dress codes go? Why this company's tossing its ties

The company is ditching their office dress code, letting employees wear whatever they want.
/ Source: TODAY

Dress to impress. Dress for the job you want to have. Clothes make the man (and woman).

All good career guidelines to follow, right? Not so much at one PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The company's Australia division ended its dress code Wednesday, weeks after an employee in PwC's London office wrote a post that went viral after getting sent home for not wearing heels.

But PwC said the move was to promote creativity and give them a competitive edge, and was not in reaction to the British blunder.

"The two are not linked, but I don't mind the timing," PwC Australia's Human Capital Leader Sue Horlin noted to The Australian Financial Review.

MORE: No heels? No paycheck! Temp worker sent home for wearing flats to office

"Modern professional" dress codes insisted that male employees wear business socks, and female employees tailored pants or dresses. Now, employees are allowed to wear whatever they feel works for them.

PwC may be a company that's familiar to Americans; we usually hear about them during awards season, when they count and protect Academy Award ballots before the big show. No word yet on whether the U.S. branch will be loosening its standards, though.

"We want to give [staff] a bit of latitude to be themselves," said Horlin. "We hire really smart people and teach them to do really hard things, I'm not sure how you can then overlay that with a set of rules about something so basic about telling them how to dress."

MORE: Leggings and workout clothes at the office: OK or not OK?

So out with the cuff links, and in with the tube tops, at least in Australia. That's a policy with style!

Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.