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Perfect pairing: When wine meets fashion

If you’re like our beloved TODAY co-hosts Kathie Lee and Hoda, then you like to have one or two (or maybe three, on a rough night) glasses of your favorite wine on any given day. Whether it’s white, red, rose, or something a bit more bubbly, you know just what you want and go for it every time.But is there a wine you love so much that you’d be willing to wear it? Because now you can — in
Bioalloy laboratories has also made clothes from white wine and beer.
Bioalloy laboratories has also made clothes from white wine and beer.Ray Scott
It may be sticky, but this dress made of red wine could start a new fashion trend!
It may be sticky, but this dress made of red wine could start a new fashion trend!Ray Scott

If you’re like our beloved TODAY co-hosts Kathie Lee and Hoda, then you like to have one or two (or maybe three, on a rough night) glasses of your favorite wine on any given day. Whether it’s white, red, rose, or something a bit more bubbly, you know just what you want and go for it every time.

But is there a wine you love so much that you’d be willing to wear it? Because now you can — in more ways than one!

Researchers at the University of Western Australia’s Bioalloy laboratories have developed a way to turn wine into — you guessed it — clothing. The Micro’be’ project was inspired by one of the researchers noticing a skin-like layer covering a vat of wine which had been contaminated by bacteria. With that plus the wine’s natural fermentation process, they can create fabric. Pleasant thought, right?

Bioalloy laboratories has also made clothes from white wine and beer.
Bioalloy laboratories has also made clothes from white wine and beer.Ray Scott

As if that wasn’t vivd enough for your imagination, the clothes apparently also retain the smell of the wine. I'm not sure even our co-hosts want to go around smelling like that all day! Researchers are still working on improving the the wine fabric, so you can't purchase the dress quite yet. But keep your eyes on Bioalloy laboratories for updates on the project.

The dress was made without needing a single stitch. The fermentation process created a seamless garment.
The dress was made without needing a single stitch. The fermentation process created a seamless garment.Bewley Shaylor

Just as curious is a new promotion by Santa Margherita. In a partnership with Beauty Bar, the wine company has released four limited-edition nail polish shades to go with the four wines in their line: Prosecco, Pinot Grigio, Chianti and the new Sparkling Rose.

As a major rose fan, I was curious when I first got my hands on this shade. We’ve all heard of wine pairings before, but with your nails?

Do you think this rose nail polish shade matches what's in the glass?
Do you think this rose nail polish shade matches what's in the glass?Lisa Granshaw/

I cracked open a bottle of their corresponding rose wine and painted my nails the matching shade. The nail polish is a nice color and surprisingly matches the wine well, but I don’t think anyone would recognize that my shade was meant to match what was in my glass. (Wine and nail polish received as a press sample.)

Maybe for the wine aficionado it only matters that you know it matches, but otherwise I don't really see the appeal, other than that it gives you a great excuse to crack open a bottle. (How else will they know what you’re matching, right?)

The limited-edition polish will be sold during Beauty Bar events across the country, where you can also get a glass of the matching wine. A package of all four shades can be won via a contest on the Santa Margherita Facebook page by describing your wine personality.

Would you want to wear a dress made of wine, or a Pinot Grigio nail polish shade? Tell us in the comments below! producer Lisa Granshaw does not drink as much wine as it appears from this post. She also enjoys hard cider…
