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Photographer Bobby Sager captures the pain and surprisingly joyous moments of kids in conflict regions.

Tamron Hall

Children of war

Photographer Bobby Sager captures the pain and surprisingly joyous moments of kids in conflict regions.


Joy and pain

Through his philanthropic work, Bobby Sager has come face to face with children living in some of the most war-torn areas of the world. His photographs capture their transcendent spirit, and he shares them in his book "The Power of the Invisible Sun."

The photos were taken in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Zimbabwe, from Sept. 11, 2001, until early 2009, depicting refugees, orphans, child soldiers and just plain kids living with conflict, disaster and displacement.

In this photo, a girl in Kathmandu, Nepal, tosses her head back in uninhibited laughter.

Bobby Sager

Sharing laughter

A moment of laughter is shared by two girls at the Kacha Gari Refugee Camp in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.

Bobby Sager

Smiling through it

Despite living in the Internally Displaced Person Camp in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, this girl manages to keep smiling.

Bobby Sager

After the earthquake

This photo shows a camp in Pakistan in 2005, after a massive earthquake. The tidy front yards are a heartbreaking attempt at normalcy and regaining dignity.

Bobby Sager

Innocent laughter

A young girl in Kabul, Afghanistan, giggles in a moment of childish joy.

Bobby Sager

Battle scars

In Northern Kabul, Afghanistan, a little girl's smile outshines the scars on her face, which were caused by burns from a bomb.

Bobby Sager

Lost in thought

A baby-faced boy looks contemplative. He lives in the Tibetan Children's Village in Dharamsala, India, a community that cares for orphans from Tibet.

Bobby Sager

Boys to men

Near Murambi, Rwanda, the site of a genocide memorial that marks the killing of 40,000 people more than a decade earlier, two young boys look hardened beyond their years.

Bobby Sager

Tender feelings

Two girls share an affectionate moment at a Tibetan refugee camp in South India.

Bobby Sager

Child soldier

Moises lives in a child soldier rehabilitation camp in Ruhengeri, Rwanda. He was a child soldier in the Congo and killed three people when he was 7 years old.

Bobby Sager

The eyes have it

A young girl peeks out at Galle, Sri Lanka, which was devastated by the 2004 tsunami.

Bobby Sager