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Truthiness be told, Colbert launches campaign

Look out Georgia.Stephen Colbert brought his fanciful presidential campaign to the campus of the University of South Carolina on Sunday, telling several hundred sign-waving fans that he’ll take care of the rival state to the south.“I promise, if elected, I will crush the state of Georgia,” the 43-year-old actor-comedian said to the cheering crowd.Columbia Mayor Bob Coble presented Colbert wi
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/ Source: The Associated Press

Look out Georgia.

Stephen Colbert brought his fanciful presidential campaign to the campus of the University of South Carolina on Sunday, telling several hundred sign-waving fans that he’ll take care of the rival state to the south.

“I promise, if elected, I will crush the state of Georgia,” the 43-year-old actor-comedian said to the cheering crowd.

Columbia Mayor Bob Coble presented Colbert with a key to the city, declaring him South Carolina’s “favorite son.” He said the day was to be known as “Stephen Colbert” day.

Colbert, who is from South Carolina, said the state’s children should dress up like him for the day. The Comedy Central talk-show host — who made “truthiness” a commonly heard word — also proclaimed the dominance of South Carolina’s produce.

He also joked about new construction projects in the capital city, which is trying to bring to its downtown more high-end housing and high-tech businesses that can partner with the university. Colbert said the work means that scientists can live next to their labs.

“If something goes horribly wrong, they will be the first to mutate,” he said.

Colbert, host of “The Colbert Report,” announced his candidacy earlier this month, saying he would run only in this key primary state. He also said he plans to run as a Democrat and a Republican — so he could lose twice.