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Stranger than fiction: 8 celebrity novelists

Some of them might be renaissance men, others would like to think they are, but when celebrities pick up the pen the results are mixed. For every literary luminary there’s a dabbler who should have kept their manuscript in a drawer. And then, of course, there are the works of fiction so awful that they become cult favorites. The latest famous face on a book jacket: Gene Hackman. On June 7, the t
/ Source: TODAY books

Some of them might be renaissance men, others would like to think they are, but when celebrities pick up the pen the results are mixed. For every literary luminary there’s a dabbler who should have kept their manuscript in a drawer. And then, of course, there are the works of fiction so awful that they become cult favorites.

The latest famous face on a book jacket: Gene Hackman. On June 7, the two-time Oscar winner hits the trail with "Payback at Morning Peak," a Western about Jubal Young, a guy with a dark past, a yearning for revenge and a loaded .22.

Promising? Maybe. Hackman lives in New Mexico, and he's done enough time in the Old West onscreen — remember "The Quick and the Dead"? — to earn his spurs. Plus, while "Payback" is the first book he's written solo, he has authored three adventures with Daniel Lenihan, a fellow Santa Fe resident. In the library of celebs-turned-novelists, he stands to earn high marks. And we can’t say that for everyone.