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Situation becomes ‘Desperate’ on ‘Housewives’

Innocent until proven guilty: Susan remained convinced that Danny Bolen was Julie's attacker, and she all but led an angry mob against his family, at one point nearly squishing him beneath his friend's car. Then came word from the police that surveillance tape showed Danny drinking in a liquor-store parking lot for an hour during the time Julie was attacked, clearing him. Susan felt awful, but she
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Innocent until proven guilty: Susan remained convinced that Danny Bolen was Julie's attacker, and she all but led an angry mob against his family, at one point nearly squishing him beneath his friend's car. Then came word from the police that surveillance tape showed Danny drinking in a liquor-store parking lot for an hour during the time Julie was attacked, clearing him. Susan felt awful, but she couldn't take back what she'd done, and Angie's family is paying the price. Not only is the family receiving threatening phone calls, but someone spray-painted "LEAVE" on their house and threw garbage all over the lawn.

Love from the past: Gaby and Carlos were at a restaurant when Gaby's ex-lover, John, showed up. Turns out he's now divorced, owns the restaurant, and he eventually hired Ana as a hostess. Gaby tells Carlos he needs to trust her and her feelings for John are in the past, but later she takes out a saved photo booth strip of pictures of the two together and looked at it thoughtfully.

Try not to whine: Lynette planned to tell boss Carlos about her pregnancy, but when he gives her a promotion and a giant raise and revealed he didn't give it to a pregnant employee, she shuts up. At a dinner out with a potential big client, Tom keeps downing Lynette's wine so she won't reveal her condition, leaving Tom sloppy drunk and Lynette haunted by her lie.

Shall we dance?: Bree is shocked when Karl shows up at a country-club dinner with another woman, Candace. When Candace and Orson dance, a jealous Bree throws oil on the floor to stop Candace from spending the night with Karl afterwards, and it works -- Candace falls and breaks her nose. Orson, however, thinks she did it because she couldn't stand to see him dancing with another women, and uses it as proof that their marriage can be saved. Bree, however, realizes that her feelings for Karl are even deeper than she thought.

Quote of the week: Bree, when she finds out Candace is a dancer: "Oh, what kind? Jazz? Ballet? Lap?"