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All righty, then! 6 ways Jim Carrey got carried away during his TODAY visit

Ferris Bueller once noted: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." The same is true about Jim Carrey, who blew through TODAY on Tuesday and provided us so many lightning-fast antics that we needed a scorecard to keep up. Ready for Carrey's top hits? All righty, then!Return of 'The Mask!'While hugging and taking selfies with his fans, the sta
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Ferris Bueller once noted: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." The same is true about Jim Carrey, who blew through TODAY on Tuesday and provided us so many lightning-fast antics that we needed a scorecard to keep up. 

Ready for Carrey's top hits? All righty, then!

Return of 'The Mask!'
While hugging and taking selfies with his fans, the star of "Dumb and Dumber To" also embraced safety, wearing a blue mask. And when he took it off for a moment ... ka-choo! He immediately "sneezed" all over everybody.

Jim Carrey on the Plaza
Don't get in the way of Jim Carrey and a sneeze!Today

Main squeeze
Before he sat down with Matt Lauer to talk about his movie, Carrey made sure the TODAY anchor knew exactly how he felt ... with a gigantic bear hug that swept Lauer off his feet.

Jim Carrey and Matt Lauer
Maybe Jim is taking this \"carried away\" thing a little too far.Today

Hair's to you
Asked if he's his own worst critic, Carrey joked, "I can do no wrong. ... It's unbelievable. Very, very loving, to myself, accepting of everything I do." Yet, as Lauer said, he's a noted perfectionist. As if on cue, Carrey (who had been toying with his elevated hairstyle), gave up trying to re-style his locks. "There's this one piece of hair sticking out. It's kind of cool, I like it," he said. (We thought it looked fine all along.)

Concerned citizen
When Lauer suggested they talk about something else that recently happened, Carey got super serious. "Ebola?" he asked. No, actually his appearance last weekend on "Saturday Night Live." "Well, that's catching on as well," deadpanned Carrey.

Sketchy routines
Appearing on "SNL" was a return to form for the actor, who got his big break on another sketch comedy show, "In Living Color." "It is so exciting — and from the third day on, you are not even in your shoes, they're pulling you out of your shoes to go places; you're not in control," he said of his experience as a host, before he joked about how the young cast and writers kept him rejuvenated. "I feed off the blood of the living," he said.

Come sail away
As a parting note, Carrey asked Lauer if he could get an invitation to the TODAY anchor's "yacht." "It's not a yacht," insisted Lauer. "It's a boat. ... It's a little boat, actually." "Not what I hear!" said Carrey, always getting the last laugh.

Check out the video for more Carrey wackiness and hear him talk about "Dumb and Dumber To," which opens in theaters on Nov. 14.

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