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'I Quit' viral star fields Twitter questions: Go back to your lives, people!

When Marina Shifrin decided to quit her job at a Taiwanese animation company by way of a YouTube video, she wasn't exactly sure what would come of it. Nearly one week and 12 million hits later, it's becoming evident the 25-year-old will be just fine.Shifrin talked with Carson in the Orange Room Friday morning, discussing the whirlwind of a week that came in the wake of her video going viral and he

When Marina Shifrin decided to quit her job at a Taiwanese animation company by way of a YouTube video, she wasn't exactly sure what would come of it. Nearly one week and 12 million hits later, it's becoming evident the 25-year-old will be just fine.

Shifrin talked with Carson in the Orange Room Friday morning, discussing the whirlwind of a week that came in the wake of her video going viral and her bold decision to walk away from a job she didn't love in pursuit of a career that better suited her personality. 

Shifrin continued the conversation on Twitter after the segment, answering viewer questions about herself and the outcome of her video's popularity.

Shifrin said she hoped the video would help her pursue a career in comedy, which has always been her dream.









Shifrin said the job just wasn't a good fit for her and that she wasn't meant for overnight shifts.





She even made an effort to fill her old position.



But she made sure to steal a hug from Al Roker while she was on set. 





But at the end of the day, she still can't believe all the attention that came from her video.

