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Help John Mayer finish a song

Singer encourages fans to put music to his lyrics
/ Source: The Associated Press

John Mayer has writer’s block — and he wants your help.

The soft-voiced rocker is calling on fans to make a song out of some lyrics that didn’t make it onto his upcoming album.

“I’m inviting all aspiring songwriters to write their own chords and melodies around my lyrics,” Mayer writes in the September issue of Esquire, on newsstands Aug. 15. “You can tell people we wrote a song together.”

Mayer, who has written a monthly column for Esquire for over a year, urges people to send a CD of their song to the magazine’s music department. The lyrics and information on submissions, due Sept. 30, can be found in the upcoming issue.

One line reads: “I’ve got dreams to remember, I’ve got days to forget/I’ve got some phone calls in to God but he ain’t called me back just yet.”

The 27-year-old singer writes that the lyrics were left over from a tune intended for “Continuum,” his third studio album. The song ended up an instrumental, so Mayer is “looking to make some use of the time and emotion I spent writing (the lyrics).”

The best submissions will be featured on Esquire’s Web site. Mayer will pick the winner, who will receive a Fender John Mayer Signature Stratocaster guitar.