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HBO, Mormons square off over sacred rite

HBO is defending its plans to depict a sacred Mormon temple ceremony in an upcoming episode of "Big Love."The drama about a Utah polygamous family will show an endowment ceremony Sunday.In a statement issued Tuesday, HBO said it did not intend to be disrespectful of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and apologized.But the network says the endowment ceremony is a critical part of the
/ Source: The Associated Press

HBO is defending its plans to depict a sacred Mormon temple ceremony in an upcoming episode of "Big Love."

The drama about a Utah polygamous family will show an endowment ceremony Sunday.

In a statement issued Tuesday, HBO said it did not intend to be disrespectful of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and apologized.

But the network says the endowment ceremony is a critical part of the "Big Love" story line.

On Monday, Mormon church leaders criticized HBO for its decision to include the ceremony. Only church members in good standing can enter temples to perform or witness the sacred rites.

HBO says the dramatization of the ceremony was vetted for accuracy by an adviser familiar with temple ceremonies.