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Gwyneth Paltrow Continues Her "I'm Just a Normal Housewife" Tour

Actress, mother, Gooper and author Gwyneth Paltrow really wants us to think she's just like us.
/ Source: E!online

Actress, mother, Gooper and author Gwyneth Paltrow really wants us to think she's just like us.

See, her new cookbook, My Father's Daughter, is being released today. And although she threw herself a private, star-studded launch party Monday with celeb friends like Jay-Z, last night Gwynnie was a surprise guest at a very mass-market event: Good Housekeeping's Shine On awards in New York City.

(Because no one keeps their house better than Gwyneth!)

So what wisdom did she have to share with the audience at Radio City Music Hall?

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"Becoming a mother for the first time in 2004 changed my life in many ways," she told the audience. "Suddenly, everything came into sharper focus and I became keenly aware of what was truly important in life."

No, it wasn't keeping a macrobiotic diet.

"What it really comes down to more than anything is your health and family," Gwyneth finished.

We can get on board with that.

But we're not sure her cookbook, which features "working parent" dinner recipes and name drops Leonardo DiCaprio, will do anything to change her elitist reputation.

Ironically enough, though, Gwyneth's mug looked a bit shiny at the event and probably could have used some powder. So maybe she's more like us after all?

WATCH: Gwyneth at the Oscars