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Gummy Awards chew on bubblegum pop

Dr. Demento, the Archies are among honorees
/ Source: The Associated Press

You’ve heard of the Grammys. How about the Gummys?

The Bubblegum Achievement Awards will be held October seventh in Los Angeles, honoring the best in bubblegum music.

The honorees include Dr. Demento, Ron Dante of The Archies, Joey Levine of the Ohio Express and Steve Barri, who produced the all-chimp band Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution.

Dante says bubblegum music was not meant to be taken seriously. He says it was aimed at the pre-teen crowd and he had no intentions of competing with Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones.

Dante says he’s honored to get a Gummy, but he’s still pushing for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to honor bubblegum music.