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Getting Brown Makes Baby Blue on Toddlers & Tiaras

As we all know, there's nothing worse than a pale little girl in a bikini, and in the toddler pageant world, the properly bronzed skin can separate the tiara wearers from the pathetic youngsters headed for an adulthood of therapy to determine where it all went wrong.
/ Source: E!online

As we all know, there's nothing worse than a pale little girl in a bikini, and in the toddler pageant world, the properly bronzed skin can separate the tiara wearers from the pathetic youngsters headed for an adulthood of therapy to determine where it all went wrong.

Which brings us to Toddlers &Tiaras, and lining up behind a '69 Dodge Dart to get a fresh coat of color.

Let Joel McHale explain it all...

There's plenty more from Master McHale when an all-new episode of The Soup sparkles tonight at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Can't wait? Then check this out right now...

MORE: Toddlers &Tiaras Queen Calls It Quits on The View