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Favorite things: Ballet flats, Hoda's Good Samaritan

Today in Favorite Things, Kathie Lee shared the new limited edition pink suede Hush Puppies ballet flat, for $79, available at A portion of all sales will go to the national Breast Cancer Foundation. "Aren't they adorable?" said KLG.Meanwhile, Hoda's favorite thing was a little unconventional.She read a letter she'd received in the mail, in an envelope that also included her NBC

Today in Favorite Things, Kathie Lee shared the new limited edition pink suede Hush Puppies ballet flat, for $79, available at A portion of all sales will go to the national Breast Cancer Foundation. 

"Aren't they adorable?" said KLG.

Meanwhile, Hoda's favorite thing was a little unconventional.

She read a letter she'd received in the mail, in an envelope that also included her NBC employee ID.

"My name is Danny Kish, I'm a senior assistant at the Houston's restaurant on Kirby Drive in Texas," Hoda read. "You seem to have misplaced your NBC/Universal ID badge. We received it after your visit and I included it in this letter. I hope your time at Houston's was enjoyable." 

Hoda was flabbergasted by the good deed. "He put it in the mail! People keep finding me!" she said, as the incident felt a lot like the time an "Angel" found her lost wallet at the airport and helped her get it back.

"They kind of know where you are!" said KLG.

Good point, but we still think Hoda's one lucky lady.