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Colbert’s portrait on display at rib joint

Stephen Colbert’s portrait is now on display at a barbecue restaurant in the TV satirist’s hometown.Chad Walldorf of Sticky Fingers restaurants paid $50,605 for the portrait, which “The Colbert Report” sold on eBay, with the money going to charity. The work hung above the fireplace on the set of the Comedy Central show.“I’m a ribs guy. We don’t know much about art,” Walldorf conced
/ Source: The Associated Press

Stephen Colbert’s portrait is now on display at a barbecue restaurant in the TV satirist’s hometown.

Chad Walldorf of Sticky Fingers restaurants paid $50,605 for the portrait, which “The Colbert Report” sold on eBay, with the money going to charity. The work hung above the fireplace on the set of the Comedy Central show.

“I’m a ribs guy. We don’t know much about art,” Walldorf conceded. “In my house, before I got married, I had the dogs playing poker full series.”

Walldorf said he liked having a picture of one of Charleston’s most prominent natives.

The portrait was unveiled Thursday at the Sticky Fingers in the city’s historic district before a small crowd, which was served sweet iced tea in wine glasses and small barbecue sandwiches.

Colbert sent a note thanking the restaurant, adding: “You are the best thing to come out of Charleston since Stephen Colbert.”