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Check out the 'baby bump' on Cameron Diaz!

No, Cameron Diaz is not carrying boyfriend Alex Rodriguez's baby, that's just a picture of her looking very much like she's with child on the set of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," which is currently filming in Atlanta.The actress not only looks pretty pregnant, she's looking pretty fit, too. That's not just because she and A-Rod spend a lot of time at the gym; in the film, she's said to
SplashNews / Today

No, Cameron Diaz is not carrying boyfriend Alex Rodriguez's baby, that's just a picture of her looking very much like she's with child on the set of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," which is currently filming in Atlanta.

The actress not only looks pretty pregnant, she's looking pretty fit, too. That's not just because she and A-Rod spend a lot of time at the gym; in the film, she's said to play a Jillian Michael's-type host of a fitness show.

This latest movie magic is all very reminiscent of that time Mila Kunis "married" Mark Wahlberg. Remember how well you took that? We're just keeping you on your toes for that next party where "pregnant" and or "married" celebs are the hot topic.