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Britney's baby news brings few smiles

Yes, it's official: Britney's got Baby No. 2 on the way. The timing of that news, mere months after the birth of Sean Preston last September, left many readers wondering what Mrs. Spears Federline could possibly be thinking. Doubly so given reports that her marriage is on the rocks.While she still has her share of loyal fans, readers were overwhelmingly skeptical about her decision to have another
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Yes, it's official: Britney's got Baby No. 2 on the way.

The timing of that news, mere months after the birth of Sean Preston last September, left many readers wondering what Mrs. Spears Federline could possibly be thinking. Doubly so given reports that her marriage is on the rocks.

While she still has her share of loyal fans, readers were overwhelmingly skeptical about her decision to have another child. Nor did you see much cause for hope that the musical duo could salvage their marriage.

Or perhaps there's simply Britney fatigue settling in. As several readers replied, with extra exclamation points and punctuation: “Who the heck cares?”

Some of your thoughts:

I love Britney Spears and I think she's a great mother, but Kevin needs to go! I think she'd be better off without him raising Sean and the new baby. You know she'd get support from her family. Kevin is not a responsible father (as we've all seen with Shar) and Britney deserves someone better. If she stays with Kevin much longer, it will be a disaster. -Kelsie, Ohio

No one is born knowing how to raise a child. With exposure comes experience. I'm sure she'll be a good mother to her children. -Vivian, Fla.

You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. Spears is white-trash and her true colors are beginning to show — at last !! -Patrick, Nev.

Hopefully, she will make the right decision and follow her heart. She will have two children to think about now, and the relationship she has with her husband doesn't seem to be working. Britney needs to make Britney happy again. Too much time is being wasted on her husband. Have kid #2, be a great mom, and be the great entertainer you are! -Kristine, Maine

Britney can probably be as good a mom as anybody if she ditches the loser and concentrates on managing her millions rather than trying to continue to live the 'pop star' high life. I think her musical career is pretty much over but she'll have a hard time giving up her celebrity persona. I just feel sorry for the kids. -Donna, Tenn.

Britney Spears should be the poster child for Planned Parenthood. We have birth control products available for a reason. -Kim, Ind.

Disaster in the making, you can't fix a broken marriage with the bandaid of new baby. The bliss experienced after a child is born will eventually be replaced with every day life and stress. She should have known better ... she is like the friend that everyone has, who dates the total loser and you can't figure out why they stay together! -Katherine, Texas

I don't think that by having another baby it will preserve her marriage, nor is it a disaster in the making. She's a young mother and her parenting skills will continue to improve as her first born gets older and when she has her second child. I feel the media tries to read too much into her personal life. Maybe they should watch more of what some other parents do with their children (abuse, neglect) rather than worry about Britney's parenting skills. -R.D., Neb.

Having a baby never makes problems go away. How does she think she is going to take a loser like Federline and make him into Ward Cleaver? Her life is a train wreck. -Gina

I think it's good that her son will have a sibling & she has the money to raise two children but I think she should get out of her marriage to financially-abusive, immature Federline. -Laura, Ore.

Sure, having more kids is always the answer to marrying a loser. Let's make it 8 or 9, then "K-Fed" will have a whole herd to come to his sold out rap shows??? Britney has a terminal case of DGS. Dumb Girl Syndrome. -Shoe, Ariz.

I can not say this will preserve her marriage to Kevin because there are other couples that are now divorced and have two or more kids. Pregnancy is not the answer to keep your man. -Terrie, Texas

She should have known better. To bring another unwanted child into this world is a crime. What a worthless person Kevin is. If she doesn't get rid of him now, she deserves all she gets. -Maureen, Del.

Can you say, "White trash with money"? They both need to use some of it to take parenting classes. -Sarah

Britney needs to grow up. Kevin is a joke.The press needs to stop glorifying pimping. We as a country need to stop putting pimps on pedestals and start showing what real men are made of. -Eva, Wash.

She has really disappointed me with the image she portrays to young women. I can place a bet that this marriage will end very soon. Why would a young beautiful wealthy woman want to marry a player that has had two children out of wedlock and is talentless? The "Good Sex" won't last that long. -Deanne

Why is it that the national news media thinks we give a crap about Britney Spears? Everything NBC runs a story on their web site regarding her, NBC Web readers give it a very low viewer rating. Every opinon poll taken show most think very little of her, don't like her and can care less about the loser and her strange ways. But, still they keep pushing her on us all. Why is that? -George, N.J.

A baby isn't superglue. It neither holds together marriages nor does it fix broken parenting skills. I hope that Britney gets her life "In Control" before baby number two comes along. Every new parent makes mistakes, but maturity comes in learning from those mistakes and doing everything in your power to not make the mistakes again. -Kristy, Pa.

The benefits of having a child are endless. She will learn and grow with her child, no matter her success in the media. I think this will be good. I doubt Kevin will stand by her side, but with having 2 children, she will only learn and grow. -Shanna, Ore.

Somebody should sterilize these two idiots before more babies are dropped on their heads. -Martha, Calif.

Is there any law preventing us from getting Britney and Cletus, er, Kevin, sterilized??? You don't need a Punnett square to realize that their kids will be spoiled half-wits. -Dave, Maine

What many people seem to forget, is that we are talking about a 24 yr old young woman. Yes, she has the limelight and digs of success -- but you can't buy wisdom and experience when it comes to marriage and motherhood. -Suzanne, Ore.

A disaster......Just like "K-Fed's" rap album....  -John, N.Y.