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Is the Blue Valentine Poster as NC-17 as the Flick?

If you think we're obsessed with all things Blue Valentine, you're right. We love us some Ryan Gosling goodness, but like we've said: The movie is damn good. And if it doesn't get some Oscar lovin' (considering all that NC-17 BS), it'll be a crime.
/ Source: E!online

If you think we're obsessed with all things Blue Valentine, you're right. We love us some Ryan Gosling goodness, but like we've said: The movie is damn good. And if it doesn't get some Oscar lovin' (considering all that NC-17 BS), it'll be a crime.

Which is why we were trs thrilled when the movie poster hit the web today. And sure, it's sexy--it's got ber-hot Ry and Michelle Williams on it, after all--but is it as sexy as its NC-17 rating?

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Kind of!

Because, as you'll remember, it isn't sex that scored this flick it's pseudo X-rating. And that's why the poster perfectly encompasses the dark and gritty sexiness of the flick.

No nudity necessary--'cause there's practically no nudity in the movie, either. Is this the weirdest ratings dissing ever, or what?

Hell, if you compare the Valentine poster to what's selling our other fave flick, Love and Other Drugs, you'd think Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway's coitus-interruptus moment would be the adults-only feature hitting theaters (not that we're complaining about seeing the oh-so-delish Jakey G's abs, tush and just about everything else).

This Valentine poster says it all: It's sweet, but it's real. Just look under the title: "A Love Story." And guess what? They mean it.

True love isn't rated PG-13. And this flick is honest about that, which is exactly why it deserves to steal some shiny trophies come award season--heck, it even says that on the poster:

"If there's any justice, Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams will both earn Oscar nominations," boasts a critic.

Also, if there's any justice, this movie will get the R-rating it deserves when the filmmakers appeal. If only so more folks will be able to actually see a good movie instead of the latest blockbuster pabulum to hit theaters.

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