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Here’s what the different colored Halloween trick-or-treating buckets mean

If you see kids carrying teal, blue or purple Halloween buckets, take note. They may be trying to tell you something.

You're probably familiar with the classic orange jack-o'-lantern kids use to collect their Halloween candy each year. But these days, treat buckets come in all different forms.

Kids are using tote bags, loot scoopers, Boo Buckets — and that familiar plastic pumpkin in a variety of colors.

Though it can be overwhelming to notice the costume and carryall of every child who comes to your door, it's important to pay attention to the particular color of each jack-o'-lantern bucket as it may be sending a message.

The bucket's color can be signify that a child has a food allergy or behavioral difference. Though these signifiers can be controversial (some parents don't want to be forced to disclose their child's diagnosis), they can also be helpful in understanding the behavior and preferences of the excited children who knock on your door.

Here's what the different colors mean:


Children carrying teal buckets may have a food allergy. It can be helpful to have allergen-free treats — or non-food items — on hand for these children.


Blue buckets, which are a few shades darker than their teal counterparts, signify that a child has autism and may have trouble communicating. Parents sometimes give autistic children blue buckets to hint to neighbors that the child might not speak or behave in an unexpected way.


If a child is carrying a purple bucket, they may have epilepsy. The Purple Pumpkin Project was started by a dad who wanted to raise awareness that children, like his son, may appear to be like other kids, but often face major physical and social challenges.

So keep an eye out for colored buckets this Halloween. Not only will you be making a child feel comfortable, you’ll also be giving parents (who are already concerned about inappropriate substances in Halloween candy) some relief and reassurance.