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Emma, Aiden are top baby names of the decade

Pop-culture icons, alphabet letters, social trends influenced parents’ choices Many new parents may be taking their cues from celebrities as they choose baby names, but the top selections are still mainly traditional, a new list of the most popular choices of the past 10 years reveals. While pop-icon names like Miley and Rihanna gained significant numbers in recent years, two classics — Ai

Pop-culture icons, alphabet letters, social trends influenced parents’ choices Many new parents may be taking their cues from celebrities as they choose baby names, but the top selections are still mainly traditional, a new list of the most popular choices of the past 10 years reveals. While pop-icon names like Miley and Rihanna gained significant numbers in recent years, two classics — Aiden and Emma — top the list of names of the decade, according to, which surveyed 10 percent of all babies born in the U.S... Read the full story.Related stories:Named your baby Miley? Join the celeb trend