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Crib notes: Do head lice get a bad rap?

Are head lice unfairly maligned? Just thinking about the little white buggers makes our scalp itch but one woman thinks they've unfairly gotten a bad rap. She argues that schools need to relax their zero-tolerance policy towards nits, stating that they're not an actual health threat and the current policy isn't working to stop the spread of lice anyway.Is it politically correct to teach kids anato
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Are head lice unfairly maligned? Just thinking about the little white buggers makes our scalp itch but one woman thinks they've unfairly gotten a bad rap. She argues that schools need to relax their zero-tolerance policy towards nits, stating that they're not an actual health threat and the current policy isn't working to stop the spread of lice anyway.

Is it politically correct to teach kids anatomical correctness? One mom questions the common practice of using toddlerese to identify the, erm, shall we say, potty-parts?

What won't parents try to soothe a baby's teething pain? People used to rub whiskey on babies' gums to ease the discomfort. Now that society frowns on alcohol consumption by infants, people are trying out amber teething necklaces. Miracle natural remedy or wackadoo hoax?

While most women would do nearly anything to avoid stretch marks, one father-to-be actually stole a cream to prevent the unsightly lines for his pregnant girlfriend. If his girlfriend didn't know about the plan to procure the ointment ahead of time, his jail time might be a nice reprieve for him, as it's never wise to insinuate a pregnant woman looks anything but glowing.

Those tonsils really make your hips look slim. New research shows that kids who have had their tonsils removed experience a greater-than-expected weight gain during the following year. Maybe it's all the ice cream and popsicles they get to eat during recovery.